This article throws light upon the top five theories of learning. The theories are: 1. Watson’s Behaviourism in Learning Theory 2. Pavlov’s Contribution to Learning Theory 3. Guthrie’s Contiguous Conditioning Theory 4. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory 5. Hull’s Deductive Theory. Theory of Learning # 1. Watson’s Behaviourism in Learning Theory: Early in the twentieth century […]
Top 5 Theories of Learning | Educational Psychology
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3 Important Theories of Learning
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This article throws light upon the three important theories of learning. The theories are: 1. Trial and Error Theory of Learning 2. Conditioned Response Theory 3. Learning by Insight Theory. Theory # 1. Trial and Error Theory of Learning: E.L. Thorndike, an American Psychologist was the pro-pounder of this theory. It is the theory of […]
Top 3 Theories of Aggression
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This article throws light upon the top three theories of aggression. The theories are: 1. Instinct Theory of Aggression 2. Frustration Aggression Hypothesis 3. Social Learning Theory. 1. Instinct Theory of Aggression: The instinct theory of aggression was advanced by Sigmund Freud (1927) the great psychoanalyst of yester years. In his earlier writings, Freud was […]