After reading this article you will learn about the Freud’s theory of basic urges in humans. Introduction to Basic Urges: Freud (1927) tried to explain human behaviour through conflicting and opposing forces. There are forces which keep us alive and there are also tendencies which lead us to death. These are otherwise known as life […]
Freud’s Theory of Basic Urges | Psychology
Notes on Theories of Motivation | Psychology
The following points highlight the top three theories of motivation. The theories are: 1. Drive Reduction Theory 2. Humanistic Theory 3. Cognitive Theories or Expectancy Theory. 1. Drive Reduction Theory: Drive reduction theory of motivation suggests that when people lack some basic biological requirements such as water, a drive to obtain that requirement (in this […]
Notes on Theories of Personality: 6 Approaches
The following points highlight the six main approaches to the theories of personality. The approaches are: 1. Type Approaches 2. Trait Theory Approaches 3. Type-cum-Trait Approach 4. Psychodynamic Approach (Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality) 5. Behavioural and Learning Approach 6. The Humanistic Approach. Approach # 1. Type Approaches: This focuses on people’s (character) characteristics like stubbornness, shyness […]