The following points highlight the five main theories of personality. The theories are: 1. The Factorial Theory (R.B. Cattle) 2. An Individual Approach Theory (Allport) 3. Murray’s Theory of Personality 4. The Organismic Theory (Goldstein) 5. The Field Theory (Kurt Lewin). 1. The Factorial Theory (R.B. Cattle): This theory has been developed by R.B. Cattle. […]
Theories of Personality: 5 Theories | Children | Psychology
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Notes on Theories of Personality: 6 Approaches
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The following points highlight the six main approaches to the theories of personality. The approaches are: 1. Type Approaches 2. Trait Theory Approaches 3. Type-cum-Trait Approach 4. Psychodynamic Approach (Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality) 5. Behavioural and Learning Approach 6. The Humanistic Approach. Approach # 1. Type Approaches: This focuses on people’s (character) characteristics like stubbornness, shyness […]