This article throws light upon the eight physical exercises for managing tension. The physical exercises are: 1. Acrobatics 2. Dance 3. Swimming 4. Autogenic Training 5. Progressive Physical Relaxation 6. Massage 7. Sex – Myth and Reality 8. Lying Positions for Relaxation. Physical Exercise # 1. Acrobatics: The various types of exercises can be broadly […]
Management of Tension: 8 Physical Exercises
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Top 5 Bio-Medical Therapies used for Reducing Tension
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This article throws light upon the top five bio-medical therapies used for reducing tension. The therapies are: 1. Bio-Chemical Therapy 2. Herbal Therapy 3. Electro Shock Therapy 4. Psychosurgery 5. Chemo Therapy. 1. Bio-Chemical Therapy: As all diseases produce tension, bio-chemical therapy plays a vital role in reduction of disease and thus this can be […]
Top 7 Methods of Meditation
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This article throws light upon the top seven methods to doing meditation. The methods are: 1. Rajneesh Meditation 2. Iskcon – The Society for Krishna Consciousness 3. Transcendental Meditation 4. Raj Yoga 5. The Radha Swami Sect Meditation 6. Buddhist Meditation 7. Zen Mediation. Method # 1. Rajneesh Meditation: Osho Rajneesh has given 112 methods […]