Read this article to learn about some really outstanding techniques which you can use in your day to day life to become 100 % tension free. Technique # 1. By Diversion of Mind: To keep oneself busy in reading books and listening to music/songs. It was realised that diversion of mind can be more effective […]
How to Become Tension Free in Life?
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List of Holy Books that Help in the Management of Tension
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List of seven holy books that you must read for managing tension:- 1. Gita 2. Ramayana 3. Vedas 4. Guru Granth Sahib 5. Buddhism 6. Bible 7. Quran. 1. Gita: Mahatma Gandhi considered Gita as a potent source of tension control and mental poise. His words are clear and concise: “When doubts haunt me, when […]
Psychological Techniques to Reduce Tension
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List of top fourteen psychological techniques used to reduce tension: 1. Yoga 2. Meditation 3. Hypnosis 4. Cognitive Therapy 5. Bio-Feedback 6. Music 7. Laughter 8. Acting 9. Recreation 10. Aroma Therapy 11. Colour Therapy 12. Helitherapy – Therapy through Sun Rays 13. Silence and Patience 14. Gems Therapy. Psychological Technique # 1. Yoga: Yoga […]