After reading this article you will learn about the effect of dependence and internalization of values on a child. Effect of Dependence: It has been seen how the parents are in a position to control their young children and see that they behave in a culturally desirable manner. Parents have abundant resources for rewarding and […]
Effect of Dependence and Internalization of Values on Child | Psychology
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Crowds: Meaning and Features | Collective Behaviour | Social Psychology
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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Crowds 2. Types of Crowds 3. Features 4. Size 5. Composition 6. Information Flow. Meaning of Crowds: The French Sociologist Gustave Le Bon (1895) devoted a whole book to study the nature of crowds; he described how the people in a crowd often think, […]
Theories of the Crowd Behaviour | Theories | Crowd | Social Psychology
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After reading this article you will learn about the theories of crowd behaviour. According to Le Bon (1895), collective outbursts are a feature of the mass society which is characteristic of modern age with huge cities, in which crowd mentality prevails. The origins of Soviet Revolution (1917) and Fascist revolutions in Germany and Italy in […]