After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Auditory Sensation 2. Dimensions of Auditory Sensations 3. Sound Mixture or Tonal Mixture 4. Auditory Adaptation 5. The Auditory System 6. Theories of Hearing. Introduction to Auditory Sensation: The auditory sensation or the sensation of hearing is next in importance only to visual sensations. […]
Auditory Sensation: Dimensions, System and Theories | Psychology
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Top 5 Senses of the Sensory System | Sensory Systems | Psychology
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This article throws light upon the top five senses of the sensory system. They are: 1. Taste and Smell or the Chemical Sense 2. Organic Senses 3. Static Sense or the Sense of Equilibrium and Movement 4. Kinesthetic Sense 5. Skin Senses or Cutaneous Senses. 1. Taste and Smell or the Chemical Sense: Taste and […]