Family is a very old social group. It has been in existence since long times. It is older than society and as old as human life itself. But despite all this, it is not a static institution. It is always changing with the march of time. It is for this reason that the structure of […]
Difference between Modern Family and Traditional Family | Psychology
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Notes on Socialization: Introduction, Culture, Structure, Status and Conflict | Psychology
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Notes on Socialization: Introduction, Culture, Structure, Status and Conflict! Notes on the Introduction to Socialization: Socialization is a process of social growth through social learning. An individual is born into a society; a society is a group of people who depend upon one another for the satisfaction of their various needs, and who have also […]
Sensation in Psychology: What is Sensation Psychology?
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The importance of sense organs in the behaviour of a living organism can hardly be exaggerated. Sense organs are like the doors through which the organism becomes aware of his environment. As we go up the evolutionary stage, sensory mechanisms become more varied and more sensitive. The human organism seems to be well equipped to […]