The following points highlight the six main factors responsible for poor mental health. The factors are: 1. Heredity 2. Physical health 3. Physical defers 4. Role of the family 5. Role of the society 6. Role of the school. 1. Heredity: A child with poor heredity has a low IG. He may be having a […]
Factors Responsible for Poor Mental Health
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Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person
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In this article we will discuss about the characteristics of a mentally healthy person. 1. A mentally healthy person has an ability to make adjustments. 2. A mentally healthy person has a sense of personal worth, feels worthwhile and important. 3. A mentally healthy person solves his problems largely by his own efforts and makes […]
Notes on Signs and Symptoms Indicating Poor Mental Health
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Notes on Signs and Symptoms Indicating Poor Mental Health ! There are some characteristics shown by people who do not fit into this category or the category of mental illness. (more…)