After reading this article you will learn about the relationship between brain function and language behaviour. Language is perhaps the most evolved among the different forms of human behaviour. At the human level language is very complex and diverse and enters into almost every transaction. The role of language in human life is very crucial. […]
Brain Function and Language Behaviour | Human Behaviour | Psychology
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7 Main Functions of Language | Forms | Human Behaviour | Psychology
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This article throws light upon the seven main functions of language. The functions are: 1. Expressive and Communicative Functions 2. Interpretative Functions 3. Control function 4. The Functions of Remembering and Thinking 5. The Discovery of One’s Name 6. Social Functions of Language 7. Creative Functions. Function # 1. Expressive and Communicative Functions: The most […]
Egocentricity in Child Language | Forms | Human Behaviour | Psychology
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After reading this article you will learn about the egocentricity in child language. The child starts with babbling and goes through the various stages of acquiring linguistic units and also learning of the rules of grammar. An interesting feature in this whole scheme of development starting from around the third year is, what is called, […]