The following points highlight the four main tasks of actual guidance programme. The tasks are: 1. Orientation Programme 2. Contacting Parents 3. The Final Interview 4. The Staff Conference. Task # 1. Orientation Programme: This programme will be started from the delta class i.e., VIII class, one year junior to the secondary school class. VIII […]
4 Main Tasks of Actual Guidance Programme | Education
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Interest: Meaning, Types and Measurement | Psychology
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Interest 2. Types of Interest 3. Types of Tools 4. Limitation. Meaning of Interest: An interest is a subjective attitude motivating a person to perform a certain task. It affords pleasure and satisfaction. It results in curiosity towards the object of interest, enthusiasm to be […]
Trait Theory of Personality (With Evaluation) | Psychology
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In this article we will discuss about the trait theory of personality with its evaluation. G.W. Allport, R.B. Cattell and H.J. Eysenck are the chief exponents of the trait theory of personality. A trait is a dimension of personality which can be measured and must describe the consistent behaviour of an individual. A trait as […]