In this article we will discuss about the trait theory of personality with its evaluation. G.W. Allport, R.B. Cattell and H.J. Eysenck are the chief exponents of the trait theory of personality. A trait is a dimension of personality which can be measured and must describe the consistent behaviour of an individual. A trait as […]
Trait Theory of Personality (With Evaluation) | Psychology
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Psychoanalytic Theories of Personality | Psychology
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In this article we will discuss about the psychoanalytic theories of personality. 1. Sigmund’s Theory of Personality: Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was the founder of psychoanalysis. His theory of psychoanalysis is dynamic and based on the assumption that personality and personality development are determined by conflicts and events that are largely unconscious in nature and which […]
Frustration: Meaning and Sources | Psychology
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Frustration 2. Sources of Frustration 3. Is Frustration Always Undesirable? Meaning of Frustration: We human beings are constantly striving to establish a satisfactory relationship with our environment. In other words, we are trying to fulfill our needs in order to live happily and function effectively. […]