The ultimate aim of effective social development in status-hood is the attainment of social maturity. A social mature adult shows a few important characteristics. He is able to adapt himself successfully to his fellowmen and to adapt is fellowmen to himself. It includes such behavioural forms as group compatibility, kindness and sympathy, fair play emotional […]
Social Maturity in an Individual | Psychology
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Heredity: Mechanism and Theories | Individual
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definitions of Heredity 2. Mechanism of Heredity 3. Theories of Heredity 4. Laws of Heredity 5. Studies and Experiments on Heredity. Definitions of Heredity: Under heredity we include all the factors that were present in the organism at birth. In other words, it is the sum-total of […]
Main Stages of Development of an Individual: 4 Stages | Psychology
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The following points highlight the four main stages of development of an individual. The stages are: 1. Period of Infancy 2. Period of Early Childhood 3. Late Childhood or Pre-Adolescence 4. Adolescence. Stage # 1. Period of Infancy: We may call the first three years of life as the period of infancy. We may recapitulate […]