In this article we will discuss about how to develop a healthier lifestyle. Introduction to Healthier Lifestyle: Have you ever wondered why some individuals live to be more than one hundred years old, whereas most people live only sixty or seventy years? Studies of persons who live to be more than one hundred indicate that […]
How to Develop a Healthier Lifestyle? | Psychology
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How to Treat Mental Disorders Using Therapies? | Psychology
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In this article we will discuss about how to treat mental disorders using therapies. A. Psychotherapies: Say the word psychotherapy, and many people quickly imagine a scene in which a patient lies on a couch in a dimly lit room while a therapist sits in the background. The therapist urges the patient to reveal the […]
How to Identify Slow Learner Children? | Psychology
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In this article we will discuss about how to identify slow learner children. The defects of children who are blind, deaf or physically handicapped are readily apparent to the observers. The handicaps of educationally subnormal or slow learners are not always so obvious. They are less able than most children to meet the normal demands […]