An attitude involves belief or disbelief, acceptance or rejection and favouring or not favouring some aspect of the environment. In order to measure attitudes, scales have been constructed consisting of short statements dealing with several aspects of some issue or institution under consideration. The statements involve favourable or unfavourable estimations, acceptance or rejection. Consequently, the […]
Measurement of Attitude: How to Measure Social Attitude?| Psychology
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How to Measure Intelligence? (6 Ways) | Psychology
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In this article we will discuss about how to measure intelligence. In 1904, when psychology was just emerging as an independent field, members of the Paris school board approached Alfred Binet with an interesting request- Could he develop an objective method for identifying the children who, in the language of that era, were described as […]
How to Measure Personality? (5 Ways) | Psychology
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To study personality scientifically, we must first be able to measure it. How do psychologists deal with this issue? As we’ll soon see, in several different ways. 1. Self-Report Tests of Personality: Questionnaires and Inventories: One way of measuring personality involves asking individuals to respond to a self-report inventory or questionnaire. Such measures (sometimes known […]