The following points highlight the four main tasks of actual guidance programme. The tasks are: 1. Orientation Programme 2. Contacting Parents 3. The Final Interview 4. The Staff Conference. Task # 1. Orientation Programme: This programme will be started from the delta class i.e., VIII class, one year junior to the secondary school class. VIII […]
4 Main Tasks of Actual Guidance Programme | Education
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Guidance in School: Need, Principle and Types | Education
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Need for Guidance 2. Definitions of Guidance 3. Meaning 4. Basic Facts 5. Principles . Types. 7. Functions. “Guidance is not giving direction. It is not the imposition of one person’s point of view upon another person. It is not making decision for an individual which he […]
Essay on Guidance Services in School
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Read this essay to learn about the Guidance Services in School Whether the object is to set up a detailed guidance bureau, with all the eight services, or a small unit with humble programme, there is need for systematic organisation of the same for the sake of economy and efficiency. There is need for laying […]