Theories of Emotions as Formulated by Different Psychologists are : 1. James-Lange Theory 2. Cannon-Bard Theory 3. Cognitive Theory. Each theory emphasizes different aspects of emotion. Though each theory sounds true in its own way, no theory is comprehensive and adequate. (more…)
Theories of Emotions: Notes on 3 Theories of Emotions
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Emotions: (Definition and Components of Emotions)
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Emotions: Brief Notes on Emotions (Definition and Components of Emotions)! Human beings are endorsed by motives, and as rational beings, to certain extent we go about satisfying them in an intelligent way. (more…)
Effects of Emotions on Health and Illness
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Effects of Emotions on Health and Illness! Emotions are necessary for life. They occupy a very important position in a person’s life. Emotions have a stimulating effect. (more…)