This article will help you to differentiate between feelings and emotions. Feelings are only very mild emotions where the level of activity is not as high as in the case of emotions. Feelings tend to persist for a longer time whereas emotions, whether pleasant or unpleasant, tend to alter the normal pattern of activities for […]
Difference between Feelings and Emotions | Psychology
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List of 5 Specific Emotions | Children
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Here is a list of five specific emotions. The emotions are: 1. Fear 2. Anger 3. Jealousy 4. Joy is One of the Positive Emotions 5. Affection is another Pleasant Emotion. Emotion # 1. Fear: Studies on children’s fear show that maturation and learning play an important role in the expression of fear reactions. A […]
Essay on Emotions: Definition, Characteristics and Importance
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning and Definitions of Emotions 2. Characteristics of Emotions 3. Kinds 4. Importance 5. Theories. Meaning and Definitions of Emotions: Emotion plays a major role in influencing our behaviour. Life would be dreary without feelings like joy and sorrow, excitement and disappointment, love and fear, hope and […]