Family is a very old social group. It has been in existence since long times. It is older than society and as old as human life itself. But despite all this, it is not a static institution. It is always changing with the march of time. It is for this reason that the structure of […]
Difference between Modern Family and Traditional Family | Psychology
Person Perception and Object Perception: Difference | Perception | Psychology
We shall presently be discussing a few points of differences between perception of a person and a perception of an object. Incidentally, sometimes other terms like social perception, social cognition and person cognition have been employed by some writers to mean more or less person perception. But here again we will see that there are […]
Convergent and Divergent Thinking: Difference | Thinking | Psychology
This article will help you to differentiate between convergent thinking and divergent thinking. In recent years, Guilford on the basis of extensive research has made a distinction between convergent thinking and divergent thinking. According to Guilford, traditional intelligence generally deals with day-do-day problem-solving activities, mainly involving convergent thinking which involves the direction of all thought […]