Three Main Theories That Explain How We Remember are: 1. Theory of General Memory Process 2. Information-processing Theories 3. Levels of Processing Theory. Several theories have been proposed by psychologists to explain how we remember or how memory works. (more…)
3 Main Theories That Explain How We Remember
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Creative Thinking: 4 Stages of Creativity Thinking
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Some of the stages of creativity thinking are: 1. Preparation 2. Incubation 3. Illumination 4. Verification! This is also a controlled thinking in which the creative thinker whether artist, writer or a scientist is trying to create something new. It involves characteristics of both reasoning and imagination. Creative thinking is a process in which the individual […]
10 Study Habits Every Successful Student Should Follow
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Ten study habits every successful student should follows: 1. Will to learn, 2. Clarity of purpose/goal, 3. Planning the learning periods, 4. How to read text, 5. Make profit from lectures, 6. Make use of charts, 7. Follow economic methods, 8. Need for proper physical surroundings, 9. Rest, 10. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Success of […]