This article throws light upon the seven main concepts of abnormality. The concepts are: 1. Qualitative Concept 2. Inadequate Response to a Stimulus 3. Inappropriateness to Social Standard 4. Statistical Criterion 5. Pathological Criterion 6. Personality Adjustment 7. Socially Unacceptable Behaviour of Abnormality. Concept # 1. Qualitative Concept: According to the qualitative concept, normality and […]
7 Main Concepts of Abnormality | Psychology
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Freud’s View on Normal and Abnormal Behaviour | Psychology
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After reading this article you will learn about Freud’s view on normal and abnormal behaviour. Freud’s view that nobody is cent per cent normal though held by some as an exaggeration, it should be accepted beyond doubt that abnormality is perhaps the major problem of a modern civilized society. It is, however, unfortunate that this […]
Studying Abnormal Behaviour: 4 Methods | Psychology
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This article throws light upon the top four methods used by clinical psychologists to study abnormal behaviour. The methods are: 1. Case History Method 2. Clinical Method 3. Experimental Method 4. Follow up Method. 1. Case History Method: This method is unavoidable in abnormal psychology. To diagnose the cause of abnormality it is the first […]