There are certain principles to be followed while developing a test and are as follows:
1. Planning:
Planning is necessary for the construction of a test.
The test developer should plan well in advance and have a clear idea about (a) the nature of items and contents to be included in the test (b) the type of instructions (c) method of sampling (d) probable time limit (e) statistical methods to be adopted (f) arrangement for preliminary and final administration.
2. Writing the item of test:
Items to be included in a test will depend upon the purpose for which the test is constructed. The item writer should have: (a) thorough knowledge of subject matter (b) aware of those persons to whom the test is meant (c) familiar with different types of items along with their advantages and disadvantages (d) must have large vocabulary, i.e. he should know different meanings of a word (e) after writing, the items must be submitted to a group of judges or experts for their criticism and suggestions and modify if necessary.
3. Preliminary try out/administration:
The test cannot be directly put to use after development. It has to be administered on a sample before releasing to common use. The purpose of preliminary try out is to know the weaknesses, omissions, ambiguities, inadequacies of items, distribution of items, number of items to be included in final form, etc. minimum of 3 pre try outs are better.
4. Establishment of reliability and validity:
This is the most important part of test standardization. Because it is only after this process the test will be eligible for use. Along with this, the norms are also to be developed.
5. Preparation of manual:
The manual is a guide for the users of that test. It gives all details about test such as psychometric properties, instructions for administration, scoring key to score the answers, method of scoring, norms for comparison and also references.