In this article we will discuss about the psychological and biological types of amnesia.
Psychological Amnesia:
i. Childhood Amnesia:
Forbidden guilt arousing sexual and aggressive urges are forgotten, especially through repression.
ii. Dream Amnesia:
It is an example of state- dependent amnesia. Dreams seen many times during each night are not all remembered.
iii. Defensive Amnesia:
This type protests oneself from guilt or anxiety that can result from intense intolerable life situations and conflicts. Amnesia episodes can last for weeks, months or years.
Biological Amnesia:
i. Transient Global:
Transient global amnesia is a profound memory problem with no loss of amnesia. It can be retrograde and anterograde,
ii. Drugs:
Marijuana and alcohol have a limited short lived effect on the encoding, storage and retrieval of information. Alcohol- induced amnesia is an example of state- dependent memory.
iii. Disease of the Brain:
Infections e.g. neurosyphilis, strokes, brain tumours, disorders of brain metabolism, head injury, multiple sclerosis etc. can result in amnesias. Senile dementia is characterized by deficits in many intellectual abilities, memory, attention, judgement and abstract thought, Senile forgetfulness (Characterized by difficulty in storage of relatively recent events) cannot be classified as amnesia, primary degenerative dementia, like senile dementia, can result in anterograde as well as retrograde amnesias.