In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning and Definition of Mental Health 2. Components of Mental Health 3. Criteria 4. Indicators Meaning and Definition of Mental Health: Mental health is a state of balance between the individual and the surrounding world. A state of harmony between oneself and others. A state of co-existence […]
Mental Health: Definition, Components and Indicators
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Factors Responsible for Poor Mental Health
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The following points highlight the six main factors responsible for poor mental health. The factors are: 1. Heredity 2. Physical health 3. Physical defers 4. Role of the family 5. Role of the society 6. Role of the school. 1. Heredity: A child with poor heredity has a low IG. He may be having a […]
Top 7 Natural Cure Methods to Keep a Man Healthy
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This article throws light upon the top seven natural cure methods to keep a man healthy. The methods are: 1. Acupuncture 2. Acupressure/Reflexology 3. Magneto-Therapy 4. Spinal Bath 5. Nature Cure through Sniffing Powder 6. Sleep 7. Auto-Urine Therapy. Natural Cure Method # 1. Acupuncture: It is necessary to understand the underlying principles of this Chinese system. […]